Jan 26, 20194 min

'Here's Why You should Travel Solo' by Kaylin Jones

Author: Kaylin Jones | Instagram: itskaylinjones

Why in this day and age would you ever want to travel alone?

Well, sometimes we don't have an option & sometimes, others aren’t free to travel with us as they are not able to get time off work. BUT, do we put off our dream of travelling just because it does not fit their schedule? Do we just bury our desires, dreams and goals in a box, never to be opened again?

I say NO! Definitely NOT!

Why not go Glacier-hiking in Switzerland? Why not spend time backpacking through Thailand, Tuscany or Croatia? The World is our oyster, we can travel wherever we like. 

We can go alone.

Solo Travel gives us ultimate freedom!

There is no better feeling than saying 'Hey, I want to go explore that city today' and actually doing it. We can eat when we want. We can sleep where and when we want. And, we can even cry when we want. Literally anything you want to do, you can do it!

Here's nine tips for when you plan to [or] travel solo:

Stay at a Hostel

I know some of you prefer staying alone, BUT next time you're travelling alone - try a hostel. People here are some of the warmest and friendliest people - not to mention, how welcoming they can be. Solo travellers often prefer hostels. You automatically have roommates, as compared to staying in hotels, AirBnB's or private rooms - you'll tend to feel lonely and isolated very easily. Thus, Hostels are honestly the best place for solo travellers!

And before embarking on your journey - do your research, read reviews and pick the best hostels in the area you intend to visit.

Go on an Organised Tour.

It’s planned for you so makes life so much easier.

It takes away any stresses you may have about being alone. You don’t have to worry about transport and accommodation. It’s also a great way to break the ice immediately, even for the shy-est of travellers.

This forces you out of your comfort zone. If you’re with a friend or partner, you are just going to automatically resort to hanging out with them.

Most tour groups are composed of solo travellers, so everyone’s meshing together trying to make friends. Your all in the same boat so its not weird at all, and often lifelong friendships are born.

Learn to Say NO!

You may get approached easily as a solo traveller. Just because you're travelling alone, you just automatically seem more open, as compared to when you're travelling with company. People will ask you for directions or even want to help you along your way or ask you ‘why are you alone’ or try and SELL YOU STUFF.

Learning to say NO is a skill, which may take some time to master but practise makes perfect. This is because you will need to be able to say it in a stern and meaningful way but without seeming rude. You have to learn to be confident in your NO’s. You must learn not to be afraid to tell someone to leave you alone.

Eating Alone

It’s not that scary I promise you.

Choosing a restaurant in advance helps so much! You’re not left wondering around the streets promising yourself that you will just eat at whichever place looks nice and the least busy - because often you'll be wondering for ages, end up getting frustrated and eating packaged goods from the local 7.

Have a look at the menu online. Chances are the very act of entering a restaurant as a solo diner will have your head racing, is that couple over there watching me? Oh god, even that kid thinks he has more friends than me and he’s only 7. Arrrggghhh! I want to leave, should I leave?

Bring a book or phone with you, it helps ease things. And, don’t forget to bring a power bank!

Food courts and street markets are also amazing as a solo traveller. They are full of variety and delicious food. Tonnes of people go to grab a quick bite to eat before work or just generally go there to get food. So, you’re just sitting with a bunch of locals or travelers - you are not really alone.

If all else fails, sit by a bar. That’s what bars are for, for single solo people to sit and eat food. Plus, it’s not going to be awkward at all!


Always let somebody at home know where you're going. Give them a copy of your itinerary and where you will be staying.

As a solo traveler you must be extra aware of your surroundings.

Stay alert & pay attention to what’s happening around you - I don’t mean be paranoid.

Plan ahead - Where are you going? And, how will you get there?

If you're planning to go out late at night, bar hopping or for a couple of drinks, be careful!

Alcohol is a tricky thing and getting drunk and stumbling home is not a good idea in any country.

Always have a working phone on you (get a local sim card and buy data and airtime) and have your hostel numbers and addresses saved.

Only Travel Solo If You Really Feel Ready for It!

Allow me to break it down for you.

Yes, it is totally normal to feel scared and nervous for your trip, BUT if you feel so scared and nervous that you are physically making yourself sick [or] your getting night sweats dreading this entire experience then maybe you are not quite ready to do a solo trip.

Always Trust Your Gut!

Generally, your gut knows a lot. If you get that feeling that something is off or wrong it almost always is. Trust yourself!

You won't get lonely!

You have to learn to open up. Be the instigator - the one that starts up a conversation. Just say ‘Hi, I’m Kay, what’s your name?' and there we go – instant convo starter and a potential new best friend!

Do Not Keep Wishing!

Wishing that you took the opportunity to make this happen.

Remember never doubt yourself. You are capable! You can do this.

I promise you - it is not as scary as you first think and once you have conquered a solo mission you will feel brave. You will feel strong. The TRAVEL BUG is there for life, and - you'll be planning your next adventure before you can say 'I travelled alone and loved it'.

Before you scroll away, don't forget to like, comment and share this post & also, pin it.

And, I'd like to thank Kaylin for writing this. 🌟


